Doodle Alchemy Cheats
Your guide with hints for all 336 elements
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Game Description
Doodle Alchemy is a game where you combine elements to create new elements. You start with the basic elements fire , water , air , and earth and create more complex items up to life , time , and star . In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. For each element we give you all recipes for its creation and what other elements can be mixed with it. In walkthroughs you get a step-by-step guide with the shortest way from the start to each element.
List of all elements from A to Z
- A 16 elements
- acid
- air
- alcohol
- alcoholic
- ale
- algae
- aluminum
- ambulance
- America
- ammonite
- ant
- aquarium
- arable land
- ashes
- atomic bomb
- Australia
- B 27 elements
- bacon
- bacteria
- bamboo
- banana
- bat
- bear
- beast
- beaver
- bee
- beer
- beet
- beetle
- Belarus
- berry
- bicycle
- bird
- blood
- boat
- bomb
- book
- borscht
- bread
- brick
- brick house
- bulb
- bush
- butterfly
- C 45 elements
- cactus
- camel
- Canada
- cane
- car
- caramels
- carbon
- carbon dioxide
- carmine
- cart
- cast iron
- cat
- CatDog
- caviar
- cells
- cement
- ceramic
- Champagne
- chariot
- cheese
- chicken
- China
- chocolate
- christmas tree
- cigarettes
- city
- clam
- clay
- clipper
- clothing
- cloud
- coal
- Coca-Cola
- cochineal
- cocktail
- cocoa
- coin
- cold
- Columbus
- concrete
- continent
- corpse
- cottage cheese
- country
- crab
- F 19 elements
- fabric
- fat
- fern
- Finland
- fire
- firearm
- firefighter
- firefly
- fish
- fisherman
- flax
- flour
- flower
- flu
- forest
- France
- frog
- fruit
- fugu fish
- G 15 elements
- gasoline
- gem
- Germany
- geyser
- ghost
- gladiator
- glass
- gold
- grapes
- grass
- Great Britain
- Greenland
- grilled chicken
- grove
- gunpowder
- K 4 elements
- Kama Sutra
- kangaroo
- kefir
- killer
- L 14 elements
- lake
- lava
- lawnmower
- leech
- library
- lichen
- life
- light
- limestone
- liquor
- livestock
- lizard
- lobster
- locomotive
- M 22 elements
- magnet
- man
- manure
- meat
- medicine
- metal
- Mexico
- milk
- mold
- money
- monkey
- Moon
- Moonshine
- moss
- motor
- motorboat
- motorcycle
- mouse
- mummy
- mushroom
- music
- mussels
- P 27 elements
- palm
- panda
- paper
- parrot
- pearls
- peas
- peat
- pen
- penguin
- penicillin
- perfume
- philosopher
- Philosopher's Stone
- phoenix
- pig
- pilot
- Pina Colada
- pirate
- pizza
- plane
- planet
- plankton
- poison
- poisoned weapon
- potatoes
- pressure
- Pterodactyl
- S 52 elements
- sailboat
- salamander
- salo
- salt
- salt water
- saltpeter
- sand
- sandwich
- Saudi Arabia
- sauna
- scarab
- scientist
- scorpion
- sea
- seed
- sex
- shaman
- shell
- sickness
- silicon
- silver
- sky
- skyscraper
- slug
- smoke
- snail
- snake
- soda
- sound
- space
- Space Shuttle
- spider
- squid
- star
- starfish
- steam
- steam boiler
- steam engine
- steamboat
- stingray
- stone
- storm
- submarine
- sugar
- sulphur
- Sun
- sunflower
- sunflower oil
- sushi
- swamp
- sweet water
- Switzerland
- W 16 elements
- warrior
- watch
- water
- weapon
- whale
- wheat
- wheel
- whiskey
- wind
- wine
- wolf
- wood
- wooden ship
- woodpecker
- wool
- worm
- Y 1 element
- yeast
- Z 1 element
- zombie