brick house Doodle Alchemy Cheats

How to make brick house in Doodle Alchemy?

What can you make with brick house in Doodle Alchemy?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for brick house in Doodle Alchemy

  1. earth + fire = lava
  2. earth + water = swamp
  3. air + fire = energy
  4. lava + water = stone
  5. air + stone = sand
  6. energy + swamp = life
  7. sand + swamp = clay
  8. life + swamp = bacteria
  9. clay + fire = brick
  10. bacteria + water = plankton
  11. plankton + stone = shell
  12. shell + stone = limestone
  13. clay + limestone = cement
  14. cement + water = concrete
  15. brick + concrete = brick house
Doodle Alchemy Cheats