grapes Doodle Alchemy Cheats

How to make grapes in Doodle Alchemy?

What can you make with grapes in Doodle Alchemy?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for grapes in Doodle Alchemy

  1. earth + water = swamp
  2. air + fire = energy
  3. earth + fire = lava
  4. lava + water = stone
  5. energy + swamp = life
  6. fire + stone = metal
  7. earth + life = seed
  8. earth + seed = tree
  9. life + stone = egg
  10. egg + swamp = lizard
  11. earth + lizard = beast
  12. beast + life = man
  13. man + metal = tool
  14. tool + tree = wood
  15. earth + wood = grapes
Doodle Alchemy Cheats