How to make Greenland in Doodle Alchemy?
What can you make with Greenland in Doodle Alchemy?
Combinations with any other elements are not known.
Walkthrough for Greenland in Doodle Alchemy
- air + fire = energy
- air + air = wind
- earth + fire = lava
- fire + water = steam
- earth + water = swamp
- lava + water = stone
- air + steam = cloud
- energy + swamp = life
- air + stone = sand
- fire + sand = glass
- cloud + wind = cold
- sand + swamp = clay
- life + swamp = bacteria
- clay + fire = brick
- bacteria + water = plankton
- plankton + stone = shell
- shell + stone = limestone
- clay + limestone = cement
- cement + water = concrete
- brick + concrete = brick house
- brick house + glass = skyscraper
- skyscraper + skyscraper = city
- city + city = country
- cold + country = Greenland