Great Britain Doodle Alchemy Cheats

How to make Great Britain in Doodle Alchemy?

What can you make with Great Britain in Doodle Alchemy?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for Great Britain in Doodle Alchemy

  1. air + fire = energy
  2. earth + fire = lava
  3. earth + water = swamp
  4. lava + water = stone
  5. air + stone = sand
  6. energy + swamp = life
  7. fire + stone = metal
  8. fire + sand = glass
  9. earth + life = seed
  10. sand + swamp = clay
  11. earth + seed = tree
  12. life + swamp = bacteria
  13. tree + tree = grove
  14. bacteria + water = plankton
  15. clay + fire = brick
  16. life + stone = egg
  17. earth + egg = dinosaur
  18. grove + grove = forest
  19. egg + swamp = lizard
  20. dinosaur + fire = dragon
  21. earth + lizard = beast
  22. plankton + stone = shell
  23. shell + stone = limestone
  24. beast + life = man
  25. man + metal = tool
  26. clay + limestone = cement
  27. cement + water = concrete
  28. metal + tool = weapon
  29. brick + concrete = brick house
  30. brick house + glass = skyscraper
  31. skyscraper + skyscraper = city
  32. city + city = country
  33. man + weapon = hunter
  34. hunter + weapon = warrior
  35. dragon + warrior = hero
  36. forest + hero = Robin Hood
  37. country + Robin Hood = Great Britain
Doodle Alchemy Cheats