Belarus Doodle Alchemy Cheats

How to make Belarus in Doodle Alchemy?

What can you make with Belarus in Doodle Alchemy?

Combinations with any other elements are not known.

Walkthrough for Belarus in Doodle Alchemy

  1. air + fire = energy
  2. earth + fire = lava
  3. earth + water = swamp
  4. fire + water = steam
  5. lava + water = stone
  6. air + stone = sand
  7. energy + swamp = life
  8. fire + stone = metal
  9. earth + life = seed
  10. fire + sand = glass
  11. life + swamp = bacteria
  12. sand + swamp = clay
  13. earth + seed = tree
  14. metal + steam = steam boiler
  15. bacteria + water = plankton
  16. fire + tree = coal
  17. clay + fire = brick
  18. plankton + stone = shell
  19. coal + steam boiler = steam engine
  20. shell + stone = limestone
  21. earth + steam engine = tractor
  22. earth + tractor = arable land
  23. clay + limestone = cement
  24. cement + water = concrete
  25. brick + concrete = brick house
  26. arable land + tractor = potatoes
  27. brick house + glass = skyscraper
  28. skyscraper + skyscraper = city
  29. city + city = country
  30. country + potatoes = Belarus
Doodle Alchemy Cheats